Paxful.com Worldwide (by Regions)
Source: UsefulTulips.org
Notes about "Last Two Periods Volume (USD Equivalent)" Chart
- Solid colored bars represent the most recent period. Faded bars represent the period before the most recent period.
- The hover tooltips work best for this chart by activating the "Show closest data on hover" button in the top right of the chart.
- Chart updates on a daily basis. So if you are visiting on a Wednesday, then the most recent 7 day period would be yesterday to the previous Tuesday.
Notes about "Last Two Periods Volume Change (%)" Chart
- Shade of region is the aggregated average for the entire region.
- Shade reaches maximum Red or Blue at +-15%
Notes about "Historical Volume" Chart
- The hover tooltips work best for this chart by activating the "Compare data on hover" button in the top right of the chart.
Data sources
- Trading data derived from Paxful.com API
- Bitcoin Price data derived from cryptocompare.com API minutely CCCAGG index BTC price
Variable Definitions and Calculations
- Volume BTC = The amount of volume traded in BTC.
- Global Spot Price = The average price of Bitcoin in USD on global exchanges like Binance, Coinbase, Bitstamp, etc
- USD Equivalent = Summation of (Volume BTC * Global Spot Price) for every trade in a given region for a given period.